Diet is essential in the formation of antibodies protective role for the body. Almonds, eaten daily, are a reliable source of vitamin E, which strengthens the body resistance.
Zinc deficiency causes health damage. Apples are not only a reliable source of vitamin C, and zinc that you need every day to be free of any annoying virus.
Folic acid is vital for the formation of antibodies. Can be picked green beans and especially in and experts recommend people with low immune systems a cure everyday.
Guava is a tropical fruit rich in antioxidants, which are quickly absorbed into the body. The full use of the bark, which contains more vitamin C than oranges, so to seed.
Chicken is rich in proteins that transport a good white cells in the body. Therefore it is very important for the immune system.
Pork provide necessary vitamins B6, essential for proper immune system function.
Wine is also a perfect natural remedy for strengthening the body. Some parts of it are designed to kill bacteria such as salmonella, but excess body weakens and promotes infection. Experts recommend a daily glass of wine.
Yogurt and dairy products stimulates the production of antibodies. Foods are perfect for removing body infection, so avoid milk or yogurt in the morning of the day.
Echinacea is herbal medicines against viral infections. Consumed three times a day within a week the first effects will be recorded and you can enjoy again and strongly reinforced by a body.
Stimulates the production of white blood cells potatoes and garlic is already binecunoscur for its antibacterial and antiviral